Gender Diversity Considerations in Training: Avoiding Unintended Biases

Jared Ablon
4 min readMay 20, 2021

By Rachel Virgil

Originally posted here:

When deciding which secure coding training program is right for you and your team, it’s important to choose a program that won’t unintentionally alienate certain groups. In 2021, it’s common knowledge that diversity improves performance and business outcomes, although the field of cybersecurity lags precariously behind other fields in terms of gender and ethnic diversity. If your goal is to improve the overall security of your company’s software by integrating secure coding practices into your software development lifecycle, there are certain considerations you and you and your company’s Chief Information Security Officer can make to ensure you are setting your team — and company — up for greater success.

How bad is the diversity problem in cybersecurity? Research suggests that only 11 percent of jobs in the global cybersecurity workforce are held by women. This is unfortunate for many reasons, one of which is that gender-diverse teams are smarter, and have been found to outperform homogenous teams in decision-making tasks. According to the Harvard Business Review, “by breaking up workplace homogeneity, you can allow your employees to become more aware of their own potential biases — entrenched ways of thinking that can otherwise blind them to key information and even lead them to make errors in…



Jared Ablon

Co-founder and CEO of HackEDU. Previously a CISO. 15 years in cybersecurity.